Meal Time


 All food service locations will be CASHLESS and will utilize Mealtime Student ID cards for all transactions moving forward. You may load funds to your student’s account by sending a check or cash to the Food Service Office along with the Sodexo payment form. You may also pay online through Please note that there is a convenience fee to utilize this service. Click HERE for instructions on how to use MealTime Online and its mobile app.

Paying for lunches or snacks is easy since we have a voluntary prepaid account that you can set up for your child through Sodexo and our partner program MealTime. This eliminates the need for students to carry meal tickets, or cash and will ultimately speed up service.

Payment Types: 

 There is a convenience fee to utilize this service. Instructions on how to use Meal Time is . This is a debit card system where all payments are loaded directly into your child's account. you may also pay online through Sodexo Payment Form You may preload your child's account by sending a check or cash to the Food Service Office along with theHERE 

For Grades K-3 - An extra ID card is kept in your child's classroom and is used for Type A meals only. If they order a School Lunch, their cards are delivered to the food service office before the meal begins and returned directly to the classroom. 

For Grades 4-12 - We will utilize your child's ID card as the vehicle to purchase meals

Restricting your child's purchase
For Grades K-6, if you would like us to restrict your child after school purchases, please initial the bottom of the Sodexo Payment Form

For grades 4-6, if you would like to restrict your child to purchase Type A lunch only,  which includes an entree, starch, milk, and salad bar, please initial the bottom Type A only portion of the Sodexo Payment Form.  Please keep in mind they will be able to purchase after school snacks if only the Type A portion of the form is initialed.  For parents who restrict their child to Type A lunch only, and would like to allow their child to purchase other items, cash is still accepted.  If our child has no restrictions, you may wish to counsel him/her regarding dietary selections. 

Leftover Money

Deposited money left on your student's ID card at the end of the year will be transferred over to the next academic year until Senior year.  No money will be refunded.  During the summer months, our Food locations will only take case and summer school meal plans, you may not utilize your student ID for payment.